How to find the day from date |Calendar problems with solutions aptitude tricks #logicxonomy

2023-01-01 2

Here are some Calendar Problems with Solutions. The chapter on Calendar comes under logical reasoning and is one of the most confusing and difficult to understand for the students, but it will be one of the easiest chapters for you after learning all the concepts given.

Leap Year:
February has 29 days in a leap year, so the total number of days in such years is 366. A year that is divisible by both 100 and 400 or not divisible by 100 but divisible by 4 is called a leap year.

Non-Leap Year:
A year that is not a leap year is called a non-leap year. There are 365 days in such years and only 28 days in February.

Note: The years 100 AD, 200 AD, 300 AD, 1800 AD, 1900 AD, etc. are not Leap Years.
400 AD, 800 AD, 1200 AD, 1600 AD, and 2000 AD are Leap Years.

There are two types of years in the Calendar System:
1. Leap Year
2. Non-Leap Year
The Concept of odd days

The calendar system follows the concept of a 7-day week. Therefore, those extra days which can't complete the cycle of a week are called odd days. Let, N be the total number of days, then

The number of Odd Days= N mod 7

Note: ‘mod’ is known as the Modulo Operator which produces the remainder of an integer division. In this case, the remainder when N is divided by 7.

Example: In a Leap year there 366 days means N=366
Number of odd days= 366 mod 7=2
It means a Leap Year has 2 Odd Days.

In the Non-Leap year, the Number of Odd Days= 365 mod 7=1

Question of the Day
Que 1: Find the Day on 14 September 1967?
Que 2: Find the Day on 25 April 1868?

Previous Question:
Que: If N is divided by 3, 4, 5, and 6 successively it leaves remainders 2, 1, 1, and 4 respectively. How many such 4-digit numbers are possible?
a. 100
b. 144
c. 150
d. 176

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Home Work Problem:
Que 1: The day on 18/09/1977 was Sunday, A couple was married on this date. How many marriage anniversaries would fall on Sunday in the next 15 years?

Que 2: The Calendar of 1898 will repeat in which year?

Que 3: If the Republic Day of India was celebrated on a Friday in 1996, then on which day will it be celebrated in 2036?

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